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Quantum Chemistry - Second Edition Solutions

Quantum Chemistry - Second Edition SolutionsThe second edition of MacQuarrie's quantum chemistry has been the most sought after book in ...

Monday, March 30, 2020

Quantum Chemistry - Second Edition Solutions

Quantum Chemistry - Second Edition SolutionsThe second edition of MacQuarrie's quantum chemistry has been the most sought after book in chemistry book stores for several years. You might wonder what this book has to do with the subject of quantum physics. The answer is that this book and its ideas have a profound effect on the application of quantum physics.A vast improvement has been made to the second edition by Mike Quarrie. It has been edited and the equations were simplified so that the average reader can understand them easily. If you wish to have a look at the new edition, it is available online as an ebook. The ebook can be downloaded for free.The main idea of the book is to study the quark's mass. The book explains that this mass has a property called spin. It is the property that can either add or subtract a particle from its fundamental state. The book also discusses how the charges go up and down with the quarks and helps you understand how this happens.One of the major t opics is the use of the double-slit experiments, which is not surprising because the experiments have so much influence over our everyday life. It is therefore necessary to study these experiments and compare them with the other experiments before concluding which is the better one.MacQuarrie is really good at explaining the concepts. He uses many illustrations and pictures to make his material more accessible. The book also has a short chapter on the two-slit experiment, where he explains it in such a way that it is understandable even to a first-year college student. This work cannot be ignored because it proves that electrons are really charged, as the textbooks told us.The book also discusses how the charges are distributed among the individual electrons in atoms and the reasons behind it. It makes the reader understand that the electron is really a chargeless particle. This fact is very important to understand for the explanation of the electron's mass, which are discussed in t he next sections.Quantum mechanics teaches us that the sum of the masses of the particles, including the charge and the mass of the electron, is equal to the sum of the charges of all the particles. In addition, the equation of motion can be solved for any chosen values of m and c. The book describes this well, so that the reader can understand how the equations of motion come into play in quantum physics.It is worth to learn this book from a very experienced physicist like MacQuarrie. It will help you understand the theories of quantum physics in a way that you never imagined.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Steve Aoki Sets Off On National Check Your Blind Spots Tour

Steve Aoki Sets Off On National Check Your Blind Spots Tour Photo by Josh Sorenson from Pexels CEO Action for Diversity Inclusion described the intent of the national tour and what it hopes to accomplish: “The Check Your Blind Spots mobile tour is designed to give people the opportunity to learn about and explore ways to mitigate unconscious bias in their everyday lives. Through a series of immersive and interactive elements, participants are exposed to the nuances of unconscious bias, and also have the chance to sign the I Act On pledge   to address personal biases and drive inclusive behaviors.” The I Act On Pledge is simple: “I pledge to check my bias, speak up for others and show up for all.” The tour’s immersive experience is supposed to help young adults and students be more open-mindedâ€"and be more equipped to be open-minded. They are provided tips on how to strive towards more inclusive thinking in their daily lives so that they can be pro-active as well as how to act on the pledge. If you would like to get involved with the tour or learn more about it, visit here.

Chinese Tutor - Are You Looking For the Right One?

Chinese Tutor - Are You Looking For the Right One?If you are looking for a Chinese tutor in Orlando, then here are some things that you should consider. The truth is that there are many Chinese tutors who will work on a monthly basis, but some who are a bit cheaper and some who are a bit more expensive. As a first time tutor in the country, the best way to find the right one is to look into the individual's past experiences, because this is something that will affect your success in China as well.In finding a good amount of information on a Chinese tutor is actually easy because most individuals you will find a lot of reviews online, which can be seen by anyone and can serve as a guideline to the individual. After you have found a good number of reviews, you need to start your search with the Internet, because it is the easiest way to find the individual.In the case of finding an individual, many are those who will say that they were successful and are still working in the industry a s a tutor. These are usually those who have managed to get jobs at well-known and reputable schools that offer foreign language training. For those who are searching for a tutor in Orlando, the internet is definitely your best source.After finding an individual who has enough reviews that you are comfortable with, you then need to talk to his or her personal recommendations. In doing so, you will be able to see if the individual is reliable or not. You need to ensure that you do not find any individuals who will charge more money, because the problem is that it can be hard to verify whether the person is trustworthy.For your own safety, you need to ask the tutor whether he or she will provide you with a guarantee of payment, as this will help you guard yourself from having a problem later on. Most often, the tutor will tell you that he or she will return the amount you paid for your services, but this is only if they were notable to finish their assignment.A second thing that you ne ed to look for is the individual's experience, because you will most likely not find a person who is an expert. In this case, you will need to make sure that you do some research on the individual to make sure that you will not find a tutor who is better than you are.Finding the right tutor is really not difficult, because these two things are the basics. In most cases, you will find a tutor that is good, and you just need to pay attention to these things, so that you will not be overwhelmed by too much information.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Students Enjoy Working With New Chemo Engines

Students Enjoy Working With New Chemo EnginesAleks Chemistry Utils is a chemistry engine that generates C++ code for many common chemistry types. The code can then be run against many different types of data to compute chemical properties.Other C++ tools include Meadow Products, Moomools, and Chemnut. The newest addition to the class is Aleks Education Resources, which is similar to Meadow Products and Moomools. It also uses C++ code to produce reports and other instructional materials for students. The tool is targeted at teaching science and engineering topics, although it has been used by researchers.Many students prefer the new C++ features to the more traditional methods of solving chemistry problems. For one thing, the tool is used at school rather than at home, where more traditional learning methods are used.When used at school, Aleks helps teachers to test out students' solutions to challenges that arise during the school year. The tools give students a simple way to use exa mples from their textbooks or from their lab notebooks to solve problems. Teachers can also use the model to compare students' progress with their classmates and to track progress over time.Chemistry is a subject that's frequently taught in classroom classes. So, as a teacher, you want to help your students to learn through engaging and entertaining ways. Using Aleks, you can combine computer simulations and your student's responses with videos and pictures to teach and stimulate students.Teachers can use the model to introduce all of the aspects of chemistry to students without presenting all of the information on paper. They can make the process fun, and they can show that the students are building knowledge and comprehension over time.Chemistry is a challenging subject to learn for many students. The ease of use and the fun nature of the problems to make them more effective and satisfying for students.

Find an Economics Tutor in Manchester

Find an Economics Tutor in Manchester Where Can You Find an Economics Tutor in Manchester? ChaptersTutoring in EconomicsFinding an Online TutorTutoring Within the Department of EconomicsIf you are preparing to sit your GCSEs or A-Levels in Economics, or whether you are already enrolled in any of the three Economics programmes at the University of Manchester, you are most likely already aware that there is more than one type of degree to strive for in this underrated field.For those of you who are flirting with the idea of becoming an economist but are not yet sure which area to specialise in, let us give you a breakdown.In the discipline loosely termed economics, you may focus your studies on theory and application of economic principles, or more on the mathematical and statistical side of things.If the former path appeals to you, your undergraduate studies would be more geared to social sciences; the study of:sociology â€" how societies functionhuman geography: the distribution and diaspora of a peoplehistory deals mainly with the rise and fall of societies, and significa nt eventspolitical science covers political activities, thoughts and behaviourspublic health as an indicator of overall social wellnesseconomy: the distribution and use of wealth and money in a society, and between societiesCan you see how each subject listed above has an impact on the overall theme of economics?Please do not construe this breakdown of a Bachelor of Arts in Economics as a way to avoid ponderous math studies: in your curriculum, advanced math and calculus will feature prominently, only to a slightly lesser extent than its sister-degree.Should you prefer the elegance of formulae and appreciate the logic of functions, you might steer towards a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics.To graduate with distinction, you would need strong analytical reasoning capabilities, as well as a thorough understanding of  quantitative research techniques â€" the ability to focus on objective measurements, put them into context and draw conclusions from the results.Have you heard abou t these two economists in India? They used a satellite picture of their country at night to discern patterns of income and wealth disparity within their country.Let us put our critical thinking skills to use and guess what type of Economics degree they have...Should you pursue a BSEcon â€" a Bachelor of Science in Economics, you may find yourself on the receiving end of intensive study in higher math as well as statistical analysis.Does the work toward an economics degree begin and end in math? Not at all!Every economics student must also be a writer of merit â€" nobody will publish a wordy, poorly organised paper that shies away from crisp, clear conclusions.And, there is substantial reading involved in the study and practice of economics.In fact, some students report zoning out in the middle of a lengthy paper or other required reading for their classes!This breakdown of an Economics curriculum begs the question: what type of tutor does an Economics student need?Let Superprof guid e you to an answer...find an Economics tutor near me here.fewer than 60 films have been even loosely associated with the subject.Most of them deal more with finance, and roughly half are documentaries.Compare that statistic with films made about, say, archaeology: Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider, and The Mummy are just three franchises that come to mind.Such a comparison indeed drives the point home that economics is nowhere near as renown or sexy as other social science disciplines.However, it certainly underscores the fact that, just as an archaeology student does not need an archaeologist to tutor him, so an economics student should not necessarily hang all hopes up on an Economics tutor.Those would have to be slim hopes indeed!According to University Tutor, there are only 19 tutors in the Manchester metropolitan area that can expound on economic principles, and several of them have never tutored anyone before.Not that a lack of teaching experience is necessarily a bad thing. The bigg est concern would be a lack of verifiable credentials.By contrast, Superprof has 9 Economics tutors whose veracity have all been proven, who will contact you in a matter of hours after you reach out to them, and whose price per hour averages out to £16.As an added incentive, every one of them gives their first hour of lessons free!Whether for the in-depth understanding of econometrics or microeconomics, these tutors will come to your home or meet you wherever it would be mutually convenient, or they would instruct you via webcam.We'll talk more about online tutoring in a moment...If not a Superprof tutor, what we would recommend, Dear Student, is that you find a tutor specialising in your area of concern: mathematics, or essay writing, for example.You'll note that it is substantially easier to find a math tutor or a tutor for general academic tutoring than it is to find anyone on the tutor market who is well-versed in macroeconomics or statistics.In fact, Superprof has a private tu tor for you, from homework help all the way to exam preparation!You may watch Khan Academy videos with a small group of students Source: Pixabay Credit: RawpixelFinding an Online TutorSuch mentoring might not be as unpalatable as you might first think.Whereas some students prefer building a bond with their extracurricular teacher, others enjoy the separation of academics and what they perceive as their time devoted to traditional studying, with their tutor coaching them remotely.In these digital times, tutoring services online are making the most of web-based materials to further their students' learning.And what a load of information is available online!The Khan AcademyThis is an American learning platform that hosts 'courses' in all manner of maths including algebra, as well as economics and finance.The way it works: select your field of study, and then drill down to the specific area of knowledge you need guidance in.Watch the YouTube videos associated with that chapter, and then take the exams. You finish with a report on how well you have understood the material and recommendations for supplemental instruction.Beware that all videos are narrated in American English: tune your ear and watch for terminology you might not be familiar with!Investigate MOOCsMassive open online courses might be another avenue to pursue when seeking extracurricular knowledge.If you are a student at Manchester University â€" or if you plan on enroling there once you complete your scheduled A-Levels, you may benefit from signing up for such a course, related to Economics.You might have to get a bit clever; their current MOOC listings do not scream: Economics students, select this one!If you are interested in developmental economics, you may select the Global Health and Humanitarianism MOOC, for example.Far be it for anyone to suggest you should add to your course load, especially when attending university is so costly and time-consuming, to begin with!Most MOOCs last between 6 and 8 weeks, and are free! Another great point to consider in signing up for these courses: you will have the opportunity for discussion and debate with like-minded people.And that, Oh Student of the Econ, is invaluable to you!Especially if you need help in anything from choosing a speciality to honing your thoughts, you could not do better than adding your voice and sharing your ideas.Unlike Khan Academy, where you mostly fly solo, MOOCs encourage you to actively discourse.What if you don't want to be one voice among many?You may find a one to one tutor in your local or campus library! Source; Pixabay Credit: JarmolukTutoring Within the Department of EconomicsThis segment mostly applies to university students of Economics. If you are struggling with GCSE or A-Level test prep, you may still find value in these suggestions.1. Ask Your TeacherIt is quite possible that your math teacher would know of an alumnus or retired teacher who has his/her own tutoring business and is seeking studen ts for one on one tutoring.Should writing be your concern, ask your English teacher for a referral!2. Ask the Administrative StaffPerhaps the Department of Economics keeps a list of qualified tutors to recommend. If not, you might check out their bulletin board; most likely they permit graduate students to post private tutoring adverts.Note: the campus library, cafeteria and bookstore might have such adverts, as well!3. Check in with the Student UnionThis office could be a goldmine of information for the undergraduate Economics student!You may find an actual tutoring centre â€" for any subject, or you could find students keen on math tutoring.If nothing else, perhaps you could get an Economics discussion group started.Maybe no one will ever design a video game revolving around economics, and it is almost a certainty that no slinky Lara Croft-type film franchise will ever be made about how money makes the world go 'round.On the other hand, your qualifications and observations as an e conomist may help balance global income disparity or improve the environmental economics in poverty-stricken regions, and for that, we commend you.Our best tutors are standing by if you need help with tuition, so you can succeed!You can find economics tutors across the UK, including in:LondonGlasgowLeedsBirmingham

How Will ACT Scores Change in 2015

How Will ACT Scores Change in 2015 Beginning in the fall of 2015 (with additional modifications slated for 2016), test-takers who opt to sit for the ACT will receive a score report with several key changes. The creators of the ACT ultimately hope to offer more robust scores, with additional assessment categories and data that will help colleges and students better determine whether they are ideal matches for each other (as well as whether students, more generally, are prepared for higher education). Here is some great information onhow you can improve your ACT score. Here are some ways ACT scores will change in 2015: ACT scoreswill include a STEM score The revised ACT will provide institutions and students with a STEM score, which will measure an individuals performance on the math and science sections of the exam. The inclusion of this score is consistent with many educators goals to better promote STEM learning (or education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Students who are strong in STEM fields may ultimately benefit from increased economic opportunities. ACT scoreswill include an English language score Students will also receive an English language score that consists of their English, reading, and writing results. In combination with the STEM result, the English language score will better reflect a students ability to enter the workforce (progress toward career readiness), as well as his or her faculty in reading comprehension. The text complexity indicator determines how well a student understands college-level reading materials. These are some greatACT English tipsyou may find helpful in your studies. ACT scoreswill speak to more immediate needs Overall, these changes are intended to make ACT scores more detailed and relevant to todays world, without modifying the entire reporting system. The ACT will retain its four core portions (English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science), each of which will still be assessed on a 1-36 scale. The composite mark, which averages the four sections, will also continue to utilize the 1-36 scale. The ACT will update its Writing test Additionally, the ACT creators will release an updated version of the optional essay, which will involve additional scores for four sub-sections: Ideas and Analysis, Development and Support, Organization, and Language Use, as well as the essay's one overall score. Currently, the ACT essay describes an issue and supplies two separate points of view. It then challenges students to state which point of view they believe is correct (or to provide their own point of view). Students must support their opinion with specifics. Students are allotted 30 minutes to complete their essay, which is scored from 2 to 12. Topics can be very diverse, but one example is whether high school curriculum should be extended to a period of five years. Students argue for or against this concept. Here is some great information you will want to read ifyou are on the fence aboutwhether or not you should take the ACT Plus writing. The ACT has not yet revealed specific alterations to the Writing portion, but the essay will prompt students to evaluate multiple perspectives on a complex issue and generate their own analysis based on reasoning, knowledge and experience, according to an official ACT statement. Whether the ACT will continue to allow students 30 minutes to write their responseor extend or shorten this timeis not yet clear. It is important for students to understand and process the ways ACT scores will change in 2015 in order to have a firm grasp on how they will be tested. Working with ACT practice testsis an excellent way to familiarize yourself with the content. In order to maximize success on the exam, prepare accordingly! [RELATED: What is an Average ACT Score?]

Arizona State University A Student Interview

Arizona State University A Student Interview Armin earned his bachelors degree in physics from Arizona State University. He specializes in economics tutoring, Mandarin Chinese tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, he shares his experience at Arizona State University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Armin: Arizona State University offers a very diverse campus. Bikes, scooters, and longboards are possible modes of transportation, but there are certain areas where only walking is allowed. Buses are available to take you to other campuses and there are free buses to get you around Tempe. Parking on campus is hard to find. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Armin:The professors are very friendly and you can always schedule appointments with them. The teaching assistants are all really nice, as are the academic advisers. Everyone is readily available when students need assistance. How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Armin:Dorm life, for me, was very closed in because the people on my floor did not interact much. However, I had a great relationship with my roommate who was from China. Regardless, ASU is so big that youll run into people and form friendships constantly. Dining options are great, as there are many places for students to eat on campus. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Armin:The ASU business school is one of the top business schools in the country. Engineering is a pretty popular major as well. I studied physics because it was very fascinating to me. The university, I would have to say, gave me the best possible teachers to teach my major-related courses. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Armin:It was very easy to meet others and make friends. There are countless groups and organizations available for students to get to know one another. I think Greek life is not as prominent at ASU as it is on other campuses. How helpful are the Career Centerand other student support services? Armin:The Career Center helps many students prepare for the post-college transition. Many of my friends attended the recruiting events, but I have not heard of any receiving job offers as a result. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Armin:The libraries are great. The main one, Hayden, is very large and partially underground. The student union has good food and great places to study. Dorm lounges are alright places to socialize and study as well. Describe the surrounding town. Armin:ASU has the Marquee Theatre which has popular bands playing quite often. Mill Avenue has many food options and other activities, and its also within walking distance of campus. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Armin:Some classes are huge, while some are small. It really depends on the major and level of the course. I would say the class sizes were appropriate for the subjects taught. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Armin:The experiences are plenty. I got to perform a piano song in front of an audience, study country music (something I knew nothing about), learn Chinese, and come up with my own dance routine and perform it. I had a lot of great experiences at ASU. Check out Armins tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

The Best way to Learn to write Hanzi

The Best way to Learn to write Hanzi Chinese script: learn to write the characters ChaptersEasy Chinese words and characters to learnWhat direction do you read and write in Chinese?How to memorize the way to write Chinese charactersHelpful tools to learn Chinese charactersBeautiful, exotic, mysterious…these adjectives aren’t describing a tropical vacation destination, I’m talking about the Chinese writing system!When we talk about Chinese characters, we aren’t talking about an alphabet like we use in English. The Chinese system of writing is totally different from English, Spanish, or even Russian.Whether you’ve just begun Mandarin lessons, or are in intermediate or advanced Chinese classes, learning to write the hanzi can be a difficult challenge and it’s hard to find good learning methods to do it.Here we’ll talk you through a few of our top tips for learning to write in Chinese, and how to memorize and read Chinese characters.Another example is the character ? (ròu, meat)   and ? (Yú, which is the symbol for fish), so when you see ?? (niurou, bee f) at a restaurant, you can deduct that that symbol indicates some form of meat and not fish.Finally, thanks to the character ? (Zhàn), students will be able to get around on public transport in China.You should note that it’s necessary to practice writing and identifying your first 100 characters regularly in order to properly memorize them and move ahead in your language studies.We also have some tips for how to learn to write in Chinese.What direction do you read and write in Chinese?In China, last names are passed down the paternal line over millenniaThe People’s Republic of China followed the example of Japan and Singapore and completely did away with their traditional way of writing in 1956. This change followed an increase in Western influence in Asia and was meant to make the writing system easier to learn and more regular.Therefore, in mainland China if you’re at a Chinese language school or taking classes at the Confucius Institute it’s normal to learn to write Ch inese in a Western style - that is, horizontally, going from left to right.It’s the way you’ll see Chinese script in newspapers, magazines, and books as you go about your day to day life.Traditional writing is then relegated to the level of good taste, savoir-vive, and linguistic skills.Often you’ll see vertical writing (from high to low, and right to left), often without any punctuation, in greeting cards or handwritten letters that you write to your oldest family members.Esthetically, Chinese calligraphy also often takes the form of classical writing on shop signs.You’ll also see writing going from high to low on the outside of ancient monuments, in temples, and on the signs of many restaurants. It can often cause some funny stories of confusion, so it’s worth keeping in mind this possibility if you’re planning a trip to China and taking a semester of Chinese classes before you head abroad.Although rare, people do sometimes have trouble reading the written characters, and it’s something you’ll have to get used to if you’re planning to live in China. The key thing is to remember that there are no spaces between words like in Romance and Germanic languages, and the meanings of some words need to be inferred by context.Expats and native Chinese speakers alike can agree on one thing - it’s sometimes hard to tell in which direction you’re meant to be reading the characters. In Taiwan and Hong Kong, newspapers are still written vertically, and you can sometimes see characters written:from left to right, in the opposite direction that was instituted in the 1950s to simplify the Chinese language.from top to bottom like Chinese was traditionally written until the first half of the 20th century.And sometimes the two systems are mixed together, which can make the writing impossible to read for anyone born after Chinese language reform.Learn more about writing in Chinese with this glossary...How to memorize the way to write Chinese charactersIs the re a way to wish someone Happy New Year in Chinese without making reference to money?“A man’s life isn’t long enough to learn all of the characters.”This Chinese proverb can give you some indication of the mammoth task you’re taking on in memorizing Chinese characters.There’re an estimated 56,000 hanzis ?? (Chinese characters)! It would take more than an entire lifespan - at least if immortality hasn’t been invented yet - to learn every last Chinese character.Chinese language centers often emphasize the order in which you make the strokes when writing in order to teach the hanzis. This way of learning can often seem like memorization, but it’s actually quite logical. The repetitive strokes register in your brain just like any other form of writing, same as the way you learned to write in English.When you first start off writing Chinese characters, it’s best to start with strokes that start from the left before moving on to ones that are on the right. That way you†™re learning in the same direction as English writing.Then, for the rare times when the student is asked to write from high to low, the order is the same:Always start writing the strokes above before moving on to those below, same as you would in English.Then, following basic logic, you should always fill the square or outline before closing it. It’s common sense that you’d need to draw the character first before drawing an outline around it.What’s more, if you’re drawing a complex character, you should do the horizontal strokes before the vertical ones.Finally, some words made up of two or more characters should be written from right to left. The word ‘hello’ is a good example of this.You’ll normally learn all of these rules for writing script in your Mandarin language classes, and they’ll help you begin to make sense of the bewildering world of Hanzi. But of course, there are lots of other methods for writing Chinese characters too, and there’s no one way to do i t.In any case, it doesn’t matter so much which way you learn the Chinese characters, the key thing is that although learning the hanzi may seem like an impossible task, it’s totally doable.Learn more about writing Chinese Hanzi...Helpful tools to learn Chinese charactersHelpful websites to learn the hanziomniglotThis helpful online encyclopedia of different languages offers some great resources and useful links to other websites, as well as an app for learning the most common Chinese characters, available on Android and iPhone.Online apps for learning Mandarin Chineseskritter.comAvailable as an app on the iPhone, or online, this mobile app makes it easy for you to learn and study Chinese characters and is designed to do so in a way that will keep student’s motivated and encouraged.Following the precise directions provided, the user is invited to trace the character out, stroke by stroke, in the right order. There’s even a function to ask for help when you come across a chara cter that you’ve forgotten (or never learned).The app will also offer you different exercises and quizzes once it’s determined your level based on which characters you’ve mastered, and which hanzi you’re struggling with.The app is easily accessible to all, even beginners, and also offers flashcards to help you study without having to move a muscle.Thanks to its machine learning algorithm, the app also keeps track of your errors and will adjust to work with you on improving your weak areas.The iPhone app also offers an audio option, so you can listen to the proper pronunciation of each hanzi character. It’s a great way to combine reading and listening comprehension.Widely considered by bloggers and students of Chinese as the best tool for learning the Chinese characters the app does cost money, but there’s also a free demo available for you to test it out, or dip your toe in the language ahead of your first Chinese lesson.I found the best way to learn to write is through Chinese lessons with a Superprof tutor!Learn Chinese Characters via videoYouTube is full of a wide variety of native Chinese and Chinese teachers who are eager to help you learn. With titles like ‘The Best Way to Learn Chinese Characters’ and ‘Four Basic Concepts for Learning Chinese Characters’, you should be able to find a video blogger that will work for you in no time.It’s a great way to begin the challenge of learning to read and write Chinese characters.In order to really appreciate the beauty of the different Hanzi, however, there’s nothing better than signing up for some Chinese classes in New York or Boston.Discover how to write using classic Chinese calligraphy...Need to find a Chinese tutor in the UK? Look no further! Whether your searching for London, Birmingham, Manchester, or any other city in Britain, you’ll find them with Superprof.Chinese courses LondonMandarin courses LondonChinese classes Glasgow

The Essential Math Equipment For Young Students!

The Essential Math Equipment For Young Students! What Are The Best Tools To Teach Maths To Children? ChaptersImplement Fun LearningMath Tools: Learning To Enjoy MathematicsThe AbacusMulticubes to build math structuresTangram Puzzles To Understand GeometryThe Wooden Strips Of Colour For Times TablesThe calculation chainDon’t Forget The RewardsSome teachers use teaching math equipment that allows students to learn while having fun, this is not the case for the entire math program, however. Often even young math learner get bored and lose interest in the subject before they have even begun. The can have disastrous effects down the line. As mathematics, like Multiplying, adding, subtracting and dividing all lay the building blocks for the maths of the future. Fractions, calculus, arithmetic, Algebraic and Geometric equations all have no chance if the foundational comprehension is lacking.Young math pupils must be engaged with classroom activities like interactive games, and also math resources like arts crafts, role play and active play.  The learning environment for children is key a s to whether they want to learn something. Here are some tools that will allow you to  awaken your child's interest in a more progressive mathematics education.For children to have fun learning maths, they should have as many of their senses engaged as possible. Photo Source: Unsplash MyriamMaths Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £200/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KamalMaths Teacher 5.00 (9) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PetarMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GowsikaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConorMaths Teacher 4.75 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsImplement Fun LearningFor young children who are still learning to focus their attention, the serious st udy can be challenging and boring. Successful learning requires motivation, focus and repetition. So to learn things well, we just want to engage with those subjects and the learning experience.At school, kids can be taught to sit still with backs straight and eyes to the front of the classroom. But for young children, this can lead to stress and frustration, as our natural nature prefers to find enjoyable things to do.In the book, ‘Research-Based Strategies to Ignite Student Learning’, Judy Willis MD, highlights that fun learning can improve and support the brains retention of information.   This is because when we are happy and relaxed chemicals are released into our bodies, these chemicals also support better learning. Emotions of Confusion or boredom create different chemicals which tell our brains to shut down.For children to have fun learning maths, they should have as many of their senses engaged as possible. Our main senses are sight, sound and touch.A child that has a p reference to sight may find playing a colourful math games fun, flash cards or colouring in math worksheets with Crayola crayons may also be exciting.A child that has a preference for hearing may find that they enjoy a singing game, reciting numbers out loud with chanting or fun math stories.A child that has a preference for touch may find that they enjoy using an abacus, building blocks or putty to make geometric shapes.The smaller ones explore the geometric shapes. Photo Source: UnsplashMath Tools: Learning To Enjoy MathematicsTeaching maths to the little ones is not always easy, and some children may have difficulty figuring out the numbers.  Just like learning to read, some tools can  help teachers or parents to support children's with their math.The AbacusAn abacus is certainly a well-known maths resource used by school teachers, parents and educators alike.  It is simply  a set of small balls of different colours fixed on several bars  within a frame.  Each bar groups ten smal l balls in a line.  This structure allows children to see concretely the addition and subtraction system in action, to  learn how to count and how to approach numeration in a general way.To use the abacus, several exercises are possible.  The  math teacher  can work for example:Teach students how to build a number.  The child must, therefore, put on one side the number of small balls he considers necessary to reach the requested figure.The child can also try to count the number of small balls set aside by the teacher.Through these different manipulations, children discover how to build numbers  beyond ten and up to one hundred in an engaging way. 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This is  ideal for children in kindergarten or primary school, the math game with the multicubes is part of a very effective group of educational games to help children understand mathematics.It is also possible to play numbers games with the cubes likeUsing card games, using the cubes to represent the different numbers.In a battle game, for example, this is an opportunity for players  to realize which figure is the largest.Using construction games with these blocks is a way to interest each child in different styles of mathematics (geometry, algebra, etc.)Tangram Puzzles To Understand GeometryTangr am puzzles are used both in the classroom and at home.  They are simply  small (often wooden) pieces of several geometric shapes in several colours.  You will find Hexagons, squares, triangles, diamonds etc. when they are put together they form colourful mosaics.The tangram puzzles  introduce children to geometric shapes.The smaller ones explore the geometric shapesThe larger ones form constructions by placing the small pieces of mosaics with each other.Playing with these shapes help children work on their fine motor skills since they must be precise so that the shapes do not come off the board and disturb the other pieces.The older ones can also learn to  reproduce more or less complex shapes according to a model.  There is the opportunity to change the difficulty according to the age of the child.Building from geometric shapes is also an opportunity to introduce the notion of symmetry.Children can also have fun  sorting piecesby colour or simply by shape.Each student can find thei r own level with these useful puzzles.The Wooden Strips Of Colour For Times TablesThe Multiplication tables are a real pain for most students.  Learning these off by heart often makes no sense, and is stressful and difficult for children.  Using these wooden objects allows them to see what the results of the different times tables are.The wooden strips of colour are convenient for  multiplying numbers. The set of strips has several lines, and each has a different colour.  Each piece corresponds to a specific number, sometimes noted above.The most common game is to  ask students to watch how the number work together with each other.  Thanks to the size of the pieces, they have a visual cue to see that to obtain 5, it is necessary to put the 3 and 2 end to end.The child can search all combinations of a single digit.  The can note the size, shape and colour of the strips too.Encouraging the child to speak during multiplicating helps students' memory work better. It also helps them feel more at ease about the calculation process. You can create a story around the blocks and what they do in their daily lives to create a vivid idea of how numbers work together.It is possible to  slowly replace the strips with coins and play shop keeper.  Children can draw things that they want to buy in the shop and give them a price. Then they have to buy the items with the right amount of coins. Or giving the number of accurate strips to the value requested for their product.  Things like ice creams that motivation children can be great to make the numbers click.Learning maths  while having fun is the best way to remember it. These tools promote progression in mental arithmetic and help to develop the sensory aspect of maths in students new to mathematical calculations.The larger kids form constructions by placing the small pieces. Photo Source: UnsplashThe calculation chainA little like the abacus, the calculation chain makes it possible to  give shape to additions and subtractio ns.  The string of calculation is a lace on which one can put small beads according to the number or figure which one wants to reach.The calculation chain allows you to calculate and  learn to count up to 100.  The beads are coloured in groups so that students can find their way moreThe games are pretty much the same as on the abacus.We can ask the child to  add the number of beads needed to reach a numberor to remove some to make him understand the principle of subtraction.Don’t Forget The RewardsReward the children when they do well, this will also motivate them to focus on the hope of earning a treat. It's nice if you can tie the reward into the math game somehow so children understand immediately why they have been given the reward.You can use smarties, Maltesers or skittles as counting rewardsYou can use a glass of a drink to show simple fractionsYou can use toys and other beloved items within the games to communicate a math concept.The fun learning method makes it a point to stimulate the children so that they can be central to their own learning.  This is why the best games are often interactive.  Puzzles, interactive tables of additions, these methods allow you to catch the attention of the smallest mathematician.Using games to educate students helps them in their learning and retention. The children also make mathematical discoveries by themselves. This method breeds self-confidence and a more powerful learning experience.Being inventive, making items, using card games, cutting, glueing, clouring, whether in school or at home, all of these activities help children prepare more important future chapters like the Pythagorean theorem and prime numbers.You will be surprised just how effective these games are when your child actually requests to play them independently. Children are naturally curious, all they need is to have the method presented in colourful, fun and bited-sized chunks. These games awaken the interest of children who are so keen to lear n.  Have fun!Find maths tutors near me here.